Monday, June 30, 2014

My First Legitimate Post

So, after some reflection, I've chosen a topic for my first real post: a summary of the story I'm currently working on.  Although the story is still in the earliest of developmental stages, I've got a lot of faith in this emerging colony of plot bunnies.  :D 

And now, without further ado: the summary, written in diary form.

Date: November 5, 2015
Setting: Washington, DC. 

They came from a far away planet, bringing tidings of peace, harmony and cooperation.  They sent their finest diplomats and translators, communicating with our leaders in human language.  The message they gave was clear: all they wanted was friendly contact, trade, and alliance with us.  They wanted our natural resources, and we wanted their technology.  Their technology was superior to ours, but they didn't use it to dominate.  Not at first.

At first it was all politics and diplomacy.  They wanted to settle on our planet to solidify peace terms.  Naturally there were some objections, but legislation passed and they got what they wanted.  They started their small colonies wherever they were granted territory.  Everything seemed fine, but it wasn't... it really wasn't.

We noticed things going awry when our own laws started turning strange.  We'd traded with them for their technology; now our own governments were forbidding us to use that technology.  We'd thought they had wanted peaceful coexistence; now we were slowly becoming second-class citizens on our own planet.  They started acting hostile toward us.

Our thinkers and academics noticed it first.  They were the first to go missing.  Then anyone who openly spoke out was taken.

Our militaries have begun to make war against them.  It's become chaos - nowhere is safe anymore.  They wanted our planet for its natural resources; they're taking what they want by force, using us as free labor, destroying any dissenters.  Everything is in ruins now. 

There's no such thing as hiding anymore - now we have to take sides and make hard choices.  Either we let ourselves be used like workhorses, or we fight back against the aliens.  We have to fight back, and we are fighting back....but we're losing. 

We can't lose.  We refuse to lose.  I refuse to lose.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

My First Blog Post in Nearly Two Years

This is rather bewildering, to say the least.  Nearly two years have passed: two years, in which I have started college, completed my freshman year, learned the various nuances of Success in the Academic World...and, to be fully honest, two years in which I had largely given up on the idea of blogging.

I think one part of me is desperately trying to convince the other part that it was just a passing adolescent phase, waiting to die the slow, painless death of being forgotten in a flurry of other whimsies and obsessions and activities.  To an extent, this first part of me does have a point.  After all, it's only human to be caught up in the glamorous fantasy of internet fame, and imagine yourself as a wildly popular author with countless followers on one's blog.... right?  Right??

... *crickets*

Okay, then.  Back to business.

The second, more rational part of me is quietly insisting that I gave up because of the adolescent angst and frustration of not having one's "famous writer" dreams come true.  And the third part of me is wailing and gnashing its teeth, and performing something akin to an Edward Elric tantrum.  (And the fourth part now wants to delve into Fullmetal Alchemist for having made that reference. XD)

Regardless, I think I'm going to start up again.  Not for the dreams (although, having lots of followers would certainly be nice in its own way), but simply because I'd like to write in a public setting, receive feedback, and have a good-looking background to accompany my writing.  And because it's fun to write!!!

At least in my own experience, it's undeniably fun to imagine great and terrible and wonderful things and channel them into a written medium; for the excitement to swirl up inside, that mad bubbling volcano of vision frothing in wondrous effervescence and exploding past the barrier of the mind to trickle down the nerve endings and emerge through the fingertips onto one's keyboard.  To write - to wax philosophical simply because one can, no matter what people think, no matter the comments (or lack thereof)!! :D

Wow, the enthusiasm runs strong in this one tonight.....

So in conclusion: here's to an unpredictable journey of writer's block, inevitable confidence issues, mad moments of inspiration at 2 AM, and hopefully some fun along the way :)


(BTW, there's something not quite right about the quotation marks.... Working on it presently.  Inconceivable.)